

If you have anything you want featured on the blog then feel free to send me an email at the above address and if it's to my tastes I'll endeavour to write a post.

This blog's built around the idea of music I personally love. Therefore if I don't get back to you within a few weeks it sadly means it wasn't for me. I try my best to get music up as fast as I can but I am only a one man machine so sometimes there might be a delay. Be assured though I do listen to every single song I am sent. I'm just rarely able to reply to emails featuring music I don't like.

***What makes me happy***
  • Please include all your PR and photo in the initial email. Don't waste time asking me to reply if I want more info or would like a HQ photo. Just attach it all in the first instance. 
  • Please include a streaming link (Soundcloud preferably or Youtube/Bandcamp etc).
  • Don't hyperlink 5+ words in your email as I won't be able to determine which link is the single. Just paste the direct link. The same goes for blog premieres. I won't click through another site to listen to your song. Direct link me please.
  • Don't send me a download link with no streaming option.
  •  I listen to every single song I'm sent. If I like it, it WILL end up with a post. It's lovely to get sent so much music but I don't often have the time to reply to everything so sadly track's that aren't to my tastes will unlikely be replied to. 
  • I also rarely post remixes

I look forward to sharing great music :)