
Thursday, 15 November 2012

Oh No! Yoko Live Review | Cardiff 14th Nov 2012


Support for the evening came in the form of Samoans, Paper Factory & Radstewart. An impressive 1-2-3 punch in the lead up to the main act. Kicking the proceedings off Radstewart really surprised with their simple melodic charm. Very reminiscent of early Cribs mixed with a blend of Talking Heads-esque vocals. Definitely ones to watch out for. Next up, Paper Factory continued to ramp things up with their fast paced rock. With an eclectic mix of influences the Welsh trio sure know a thing or two about tight production and powerful performance styles and it really shows in their live set up. Last but by no means least, whilst screamed vocals aren't particularly my thing, as a whole, Samoans really are a great band. They truly know how to deliver their ingenious concoction of progressive/alternative rock in an onslaught of heavy guitars and loud percussion. If you're ever in Cardiff I can only suggest you don't let up on a chance to catch these guys live. 

Oh No! Yoko

Now considering I thought I was the only person in Wales who listened to Oh No! Yoko it was great to see such a fantastic turnout last night for the band's debut Welsh show coinciding with their current tour of Europe. More often than not, most gigs I go to in Wales usually end up with just me and maybe 4 other punters who have no interest in the band and have randomly ended up at the same bar making for a very awkward gig. Thankfully Jealous Lovers Club done an ace job with promo and Cardiff's Gwdihw was packed out.

Blasting through their debut EP's best songs such as Buki Bag and Coryza the Canadian trio's youthful vigour seems to be even more infectious live than on record. It's clear to see a bond between these guys. Having grown up and graduated through high school together there's a coherence on stage that really shows in their playing abilities. And when the band's having fun, it's only natural for the crowd to pick up on their joyous vibe. Whilst their chiming guitar riffs and explosive percussion hits hard Everett Morris's soft vocals add a new dynamic to the mix that is evidently displayed on quieter songs such as 400,000 Years. It is this result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colours across the groups back catalogue of songs that really make this band shine.

Everett Morris (Oh No! Yoko)

Being a fresh release it was nice to hear the new single Mimi Ash live in their set-list. With it's sublime change up's and unconventional chord progressions, a spellbinding infusion of prog-rock, math-pop melody burgeoned before us. Rounding the evening off with my favourite Go Alien Oh No! Yoko really have shown Cardiff what their all about. A fantastic display of splintering guitars and an exuberant showcase of teenage nostalgia. 

And with that we give thanks to Jealous Lovers Club. Hopefully they can continue to bring exciting, vibrant new bands to the city for many years to come!


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