
Sunday, 2 October 2022

Man-Made Sunshine - Life's Gonna Kill You (If You Let It)

Nothing But Thieves' Conor Mason has recently unveiled his debut solo effort Life's Gonna Kill You (If You Let It) under his new moniker Man-Made Sunshine, a project developed under lockdown. Speaking about the venture he goes on to say “I started with the question of 'Man-Made Sunshine' - am I able to find it and make it myself, or is it made for me? The project is ultimately about inner growth - I headed into some heavy places to find healing from loss and focused on thoughts and feelings around death, grief of others and my old self.” Continuing, “Ultimately this song is about survival and trying to find the strength to not give up. Survival from oneself, survival from the darkest, loneliest places you can reach in your mind. The way I survived this was by the purest love and connection of a best friend suffering with the same condition. The ability to hold onto one another and keep each other afloat ultimately gave us both a valuable life lesson...that love can truly triumph over anything. As corny as it sounds, the feeling didn't need an explanation. In turn this helped us to look into ourselves and slowly find the self-love we were lacking all along.” Take a listen to the solemn and tender number for yourselves below.


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