
Monday, 31 October 2022

Tommy Ashby - Not that Far to Go

Following on from last month's single A Beautiful Day, Scottish songwriter Tommy Ashby returns with his inspiring new effort Not That Far to Go. Prefacing the lockdown, the track served a poignant and self reflective insight in to how to use your time meaningfully. "This song was written just a couple of months before the pandemic and it was surprising how relevant it became when covid came along." he explains. "Suddenly we were sitting at home with quite a lot of time on our hands to think and, for worriers, that isn't always positive. I guess the message of the song is to take stock of all the good things, focus on the present and accept that a lot of the stuff that happens to you is beyond your control. The song says that it isn't weak to be scared or share emotions, it's just part of being human." Take a listen to the awe inspiring number for yourselves below.


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